Transaction Services
Sell-side M&A-Services
Search and buy-side M&A-Services
Post acquisition Services & Investment Controlling

What do acquisitions, disposals and corporate growth into new markets need to be successful in the long term? Years of experience, sound industry know-how and an excellent network. In all these areas we can point to almost 3 decades of expertise and say: We are your reliable partner in all aspects of a transaction and in the development of new markets, especially in North America. We will actively support you throughout the entire process.

For M&A plans and activities, we will pick you up exactly where you stand. We provide the team of specialists tailored to your needs, comprehensive industry expertise or up-to-date market studies. We are also happy to assist you in parts of a due diligence or in the search for suitable acquisition financing. We accompany you beyond the actual transaction up to the integration and the final realization of synergies – as your personal point of contact exclusively concerned with your success – discreet, competent, reliable and holistic.

Experts in Transaction Services
Sell-side M&A-Services

The goal of selling a company or a division is clearly the best possible result for you. Preparing for the sale of an organization and resolving (tax) legal questions must be done at the outset. A sales strategy is developed joinly based on knowledge of your business model and the strength of your company. We serach for the “perfect” counterpart. We are at your side throughout the entire pro-cess, developing individually optimised options and supporting you through the decision-making process. And we make sure that during this time your day-to-day business continues undisturbed and that only suitablly interested parties have access to you.

Search and buy-side M&A-Services

The search for a suitable takeover target can be extremely difficult if not impossible. However, thanks to our decades of experience in the industrial sector, you have a decisive starting ad-vantage in this area. Regardless of whether you are looking for a first direct investment or addition-al assets to add to your corporate portfolio – our experts will search, select, examine and evaluate investment opportunities for you. Together we find the best opportunities without alerting the entire market.

Post acquisition Services & Investment Controlling

A successful takeover requires a carefully planned integration into your organization. Our experts will support you through this process: with a merger at all levels, an optional restructuring after insolvency or a reorientation for the future. In any case, we relieve you and any responsible per-sons within the company to be taken over by ensuring a stress-free integration. If desired, we can also assume responsibility for interacting with your company’s Shareholders and Board of Direc-tors – whether as an advisory board member, investment manager or interim manager, we can also fill positions to compensate for any imbalances. As investment controllers, we create transparency in all processes.


Our common goal is to find the best financing for your needs. We give you access to various fi-nancing models, offer a cross-check of the business model and your investment calculation. Spe-cial situations or life cycles of a company sometimes require unusual forms of financing. In any case, we ensure that we will approach the right financing partners for you.


Global service requires proximity to the customer in order to be able to respond quickly to specific requirements. This is especially true when internationalising your business activities to the USA, Canada or Mexico. Here we combine the best of two worlds: Roots in and relation to Europe and its economic and corporate culture combined with many years of experience in American business with our location in Denver, Colorado.

Your current status is always our starting point. First of all, we work together to develop the strategic foundation for your successful internationalisation and clarify the issues and costs relevant to the market and customers. Once it is clear where the journey is headed, we are your partner for the consistent development of your operative business in the target market, including subsidy optimisation and sales support. We are happy to take on interim management tasks and accompany you along the way to further strategic success!