Our real-time location and tracking system is designed to give clients the ability to locate and track inhouse objects using simple, cost-effective technology.
Our system is particularly effective for one-time use in situations where clients are looking to optimise the layout of their facilities, where they are looking to reduce inefficiencies associated with movement of people, fork-lifts or other equipment or simply want to improve flow through their facilities. The data is particularly useful when used as part of a LEAN programme to better understand how people and materials flow through a facility and how it varies over time. Often there can be differences between shifts.
Flows or movements that are unnecessary or result in bottlenecks can also contribute to safety issues, so identifying any potential risks enables clients to proactively make changes that not only increase efficiency and reduce cost but also create a safer working environment.
The system can be up and running in no time and providing valuable data to focus improvement work on the shopfloor.
How it works
The first step involves dividing up or ‘rasterising’ the area being analysed into equal, ‘logical’, blocks
Small Bluetooth beacons are installed at strategically located positions.
Android or iPhone hand-sets, pre-installed with software, are used as receivers to scan the Bluetooth environment.
Handsets can be attached to forklifts, mobile equipment or carried by individuals. The signal from each hand-set is picked up by the nearest beacon and its speed and position data sent to and stored in a database.
The data can be visualised in real-time using an online application. Alternatively, data can be aggregated to build a rich-picture of movement and flow over a period of time.